Gregory Morse: My Life at Eötvös Loránd University

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I go by the nickname Progman at the tuts4you forum and I post my cracks at Exetools forum for a small fee, using the nickname of “chants“.

I have graduated and am a student at the Eötvös Loránd University

The University itself sucks but looks rather good in pictures 🙂

It is actually an ONLINE UNIVERSITY. So if you have money but do not have a proper college degree you can pay them and join for a good paper mill degree!

You can apply here if you want to join:

Before you say it, let me say it out loud: Yes, this is a Diploma Mill University. But this is all I can get into after all the time I wasted when I was young, on weed and other useless activities. But you need to have a money-ed dad for all this to work. 😀

One good thing about this university is that you can pay them a good sumn of money and THEY will do everything to ensure that you are able to “get published”. 😉
They pay the “Research paper mill” businesses so that you can get your name linked in with various well known research scientists, or if you are really unlucky, with people just like you who paid huge sums to “get their names into research journals”.

Some say that it is a questionable practice. But I say that in this “dog-eat-dog” world where one cannot get any further without “publications to their name”, why not spend a little of your father’s hard earned money in order to get your name into the publications and land up a good job? 😉

My father owns an Injection Moulding Company. So money is not an issue for me… So if you have money to burn (preferably your fathers’) then by all means, go ahead and spend some money on “papermill universities” and get a few “papermill” publications with your name in them! :laughing:

You can find more details about me here:

If you contact me, I can get you an admission at a reduced cost (you would need to pay me a small commission of course).

I’ve had a sorry childhood and grew up poor.
I’d posted it on Exetools but the admins were bribed and removed my post.
This is the post followed by the archived link as proof that the post was really on the Exetools forum:

Link to archive:

Please do not forget to check out my Post with the Youtube Videos:

Please Support me – Gregory Morse

This is my Github (although hacked, I am trying to get my account back):

4 Replies to “Gregory Morse: My Life at Eötvös Loránd University”

  1. Not a big secret that ChessGod101 demanded and took a bribe from me also before he promoted my rank.
    Cheap fellow for sure.
    Does not even deserve a place in the forum, let alone be the admin.

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