HexRays IDA Pro 9 For Sale

I can be reached on Exetools where I use the moniker of chants. You can find my contact details on the home page.

Just pay me in Bitcoin and I will provide the IDA Pro 9 download link in your email.

Download here:



I am posting the links outside the USA where the DMCA is not applicable. See my “advice post” from the Exetools forum:

[Video Tutorial Course] Windbg – A complete guide for Advanced Windows Debugging

Windbg – A complete guide for Advanced Windows Debugging

Home Page:







How to Hack Sentinel HASP HL Dongle

A lazy Saturday evening here and just smoked some excellent botanicals that Melinda Toth shipped over yesterday from Hungary. Check out my post about my affairs with the other hot uni staff if you did not already do so:

Am hanging out at the Exetools forum using the “chants” nickname. I am unable to sell much of the cracked software that I and Melinda worked on at the forum these days.

Users at the forum seem to have lost faith in me seeing that I was banned twice in the past month in the forum for selling cracked software. But I am indeed shameless.

Still… I wag my tail and continue to hang about in the forum regardless of the number of times that I get kicked out or spat upon.

Getting to the point… Today I want to share a leaked video that shows you how to bypass the Sentinel HASP Dongle. I want to thank Melinda Tóth for helping me create it.

Download it here: https://pixeldrain.com/u/Da8jfRcX

If you want all the tools that are used in that video you can contact me and I will sell them to you very cheap. My contact details are available on my home page:

Ghidra Decompiler Plugin for IDA Pro

Get it here: https://github.com/GregoryMorse/GhidraDec

Note it has been recently drawn to my attention that some internet troll on a certain forum is attempting to impersonate me in regards to this work.

Obviously the work is MINE because you can see that the github repo also has MY name on it, lol! YET some others claim as their own and try to post MY work as their own :laughing:

GhidraDec: Ghidra decompiler plugin for Hex-Rays IDA (Interactive DisAssembler) Pro
Only for Ghidra 10.x, as Ghidra 9.x has been due to some protocol changes.
The plugin is compatible with the IDA 5/6/7.x versions. The plugin does NOT work with the freeware version of IDA 6/7.x. The plugin comes at both 32-bit and 64-bit address space variants (both are 64-bit binaries). I.e. it works in both ida and ida64. It can decompile any processor architecture which Ghidra and IDA both support. See the source or product information of these tools.

Private FlexNet FlexLM Reversing Tutorials for Sale

Refer to this post. I am an expert at FlexNet reversing.

Now I have decided to make the PRIVATE FlexLM and FlexNet tutorials available for free for a short time.

If you want the full set of the tutorials, you can contact me by email. My contact details are on the home page of this blog. Payment by BitCoin only.


Google API Complete Content for Sale

See my post here:


I have done full research. Now I am selling the not-released content also for a mere $50.

If interested, contact me at my email for the BTC coin address to send the money to: gregory.morse@live.com

Keep checking back often!

I am re-posting the content from my Exetools post here also:

Ranking features: 2,596 modules are represented in the API documentation with 14,014 attributes.
Weighting: The documents did not specify how any of the ranking features are weighted – just that they exist.
Twiddlers: These are re-ranking functions that “can adjust the information retrieval score of a document or change the ranking of a document,” according to King.
Demotions: Content can be demoted for a variety of reasons, such as:
A link doesn’t match the target site.
SERP signals indicate user dissatisfaction.
Product reviews.
Exact match domains.
Change history: Google apparently keeps a copy of every version of every page it has ever indexed. Meaning, Google can “remember” every change ever made to a page. However, Google only uses the last 20 changes of a URL when analyzing links.

Links matter. Shocking, I know. Link diversity and relevance remain key, the documents show. And PageRank is still very much alive within Google’s ranking features. PageRank for a website’s homepage is considered for every document.
This doesn’t prove Google spokespeople have lied about links not being a “top 3 ranking factor” or links mattering less for ranking. Two things can be true at once. Again, we don’t know how any of these features are weighted.
Successful clicks matter. This should not be a shocker, but if you want to rank well, you need to keep creating great content and user experiences, based on the documents. Google uses a variety of measurements, including badClicks, goodClicks, lastLongestClicks and unsquashedClicks.
Also, longer documents may get truncated, while shorter content gets a score (from 0-512) based on originality. Scores are also given to Your Money Your Life content, like health and news.

Brand matters. Fishkin’s big takeaway? Brand matters more than anything else:
“If there was one universal piece of advice I had for marketers seeking to broadly improve their organic search rankings and traffic, it would be: ‘Build a notable, popular, well-recognized brand in your space, outside of Google search.’”
Entities matter. Authorship lives. Google stores author information associated with content and tries to determine whether an entity is the author of the document.
SiteAuthority: Google uses something called “siteAuthority”.
Google told us something like this existed in 2011, after the Panda update launched, stating publicly that “low quality content on part of a site can impact a site’s ranking as a whole.”
However, Google has denied having a website authority score in the years since then.
Chrome data. A module called ChromeInTotal indicates that Google uses data from its Chrome browser for ranking.
Whitelists. A couple of modules indicate Google whitelist certain domains related to elections and COVID – isElectionAuthority and isCovidLocalAuthority. Though we’ve long known Google (and Bing) have “exception lists” when “specific algorithms inadvertently impact websites.”
Small sites. Another feature is smallPersonalSite – for a small personal site or blog. King speculated that Google could boost or demote such sites via a Twiddler. However, that remains an open question. Again, we don’t know for certain how much these features are weighted.
Other interesting findings. According to Google’s internal documents:
Freshness matters – Google looks at dates in the byline (bylineDate), URL (syntacticDate) and on-page content (semanticDate).
To determine whether a document is or isn’t a core topic of the website, Google vectorizes pages and sites, then compares the page embeddings (siteRadius) to the site embeddings (siteFocusScore).
Google stores domain registration information (RegistrationInfo).
Page titles still matter. Google has a feature called titlematchScore that is believed to measure how well a page title matches a query.
Google measures the average weighted font size of terms in documents (avgTermWeight) and anchor text.

HexRays IDA Pro 8.4 SP2 For Sale Now (Cheap!!!)

My contact details available on my home page.
Email me there, OR you can just message me on the Exetools Forum where I go by the nickname of CHANTS.

Meanwhile you can download these demos of the IDA Pro 8.4 SP2 as a proof that I have the full versions available with me for sale.

Windows: https://od.cloudsploit.top/api/raw/?path=/tools/IDA/8.4/Demo/SP2/idademo84_windows.exe&odpt=3e5a41940be7490857c4873265c53515d5d8593e6765a4be56ccaf0940f77058

Linux: https://od.cloudsploit.top/api/raw/?path=/tools/IDA/8.4/Demo/SP2/idademo84_linux.run&odpt=3e5a41940be7490857c4873265c53515d5d8593e6765a4be56ccaf0940f77058

Mac: https://od.cloudsploit.top/api/raw/?path=/tools/IDA/8.4/Demo/SP2/idademo84_mac.app.zip&odpt=3e5a41940be7490857c4873265c53515d5d8593e6765a4be56ccaf0940f77058


Discussions about Exetools Forum on Tuts4You Forum (with Direct Links)

Like I’d mentioned earlier, I use the nickname “chants” on the Exetools forum and “Progman” on the Tuts4you forum.

TL;DR: Everyone has come to know by now that the Exetools Forum is now being run by Law Enforcement Agency staff (i.e “cops”) who now use it as a honeypot.
Don’t take my word for it. I have put together annotations from well known members who commented about this in other online forums. Read the posts and decide for yourself.

There have been a lot of discussions on the various online boards calling out the fake admins of the once-reputed Exetools forum. I will post a few screenshots with direct links to the posts where they discuss the exetools forum, in the still reputed Tuts4You forum:

Direct link to the post in tuts4you: https://forum.tuts4you.com/topic/43432-exetools/?do=findComment&comment=220723

Direct Link to the above post in Tuts4you: https://forum.tuts4you.com/topic/43432-exetools/?do=findComment&comment=211288

[VIDEO COURSE] Windows Internals by Pavel Yosifovich







Revela Decompiler

This is an interest topic as we see more and more crypto currency with smart contracts and embedded custom languages. Even bitcoin contained a script language that is custom implemented as part of the blockchain protocol.

Decompile Aptos smart contract to recover Move source code

Here is the source code:

There’s also a JEB plug in called diem that should decompile Move bytecode:

Binary Ninja 4.0.4958 (Win, Linux and Mac) Keygen on OneDrive

Fast Download Links on OneDrive:

Windows: https://od.cloudsploit.top/api/raw/?path=/tools/BinaryNinja/binja/binaryninja_personal_win64.exe

Linux: https://od.cloudsploit.top/api/raw/?path=/tools/BinaryNinja/binja/binaryninja_personal_linux.zip

MacOS: https://od.cloudsploit.top/api/raw/?path=/tools/BinaryNinja/binja/binaryninja_personal_macosx.dmg

Fixed Crack for MacOS (Apple): https://pixeldrain.com/u/LN2PYJLb

Crack/Keygen: https://od.cloudsploit.top/tools/BinaryNinja/binja/crack